About Me

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As an author inspired by the aesthetic of virtue drawn from the many esoteric works I experience and research,I seek wisdom, truth and the light that emanates from all things born of the great void... a lover of life, gnosis and my Clan Family - The People of Goda, of the Clan of Tubal Cain www.clanoftubalcain.org.uk.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

The Holly and the Ivy

1. Green grow’th the holly
So doth the ivy
Though winter blasts blow na’er so high
Green grow’th the holly

2. Gay are the flowers
Hedgerows and ploughlands
The days grow longer in the sun
Soft fall the showers

3. Full gold the harvest
Grain for thy labor
With God must work for daily bread
Else, man, thou starvest

4. Fast fall the shed leaves
Russet and yellow
But resting buds are smug and safe
Where swung the dead leaves

5. Green grow’th the holly
So doth the ivy
The God of life can never die
Hope! Saith the holly